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VET Logistics provides a number of services for RTOs to assist in providing quality training and education services as well as meet   regulatory compliance.

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RTO Audits 

VET Logistics specialises in assisting RTOs in auditing their operations for:

  • continuous improvement purposes or

  • assisting in responding to a Notice of Intention from ASQA.

It is invaluable for an organisation that is facing a post-initial audit, re-registration audit, annual review or is seeking to improve their ability to provide quality training and assessment services to its clients.

​An audit of your organisation assists in:

  • identification any non-compliances in administration and/or training and assessment practices

  • guidance on how to rectify identified non-compliances

  • identifying opportunities for improvement

  • training staff in understanding the values of quality training/assessment services.

It includes:

  • A full report detailing all findings in plain English and clear recommendations on how to rectify and/or improve (where applicable).

  • A meeting with the relevant RTO staff to discuss the audit process.

  • Review of documentation prior to the visit (as per request sent prior).

  • The audit– consisting of an opening meeting with relevant staff, audit of the RTO and closing meeting to summarise the findings.

  • Audit of two qualifications (more on request), two units per qualification.

VET Logistics is flexible to your circumstances.

Where a site visit may be costly to your organisation, audits can be conducted via a desk top service#, solely on site or a combination of both.

Reports are completed and provided to you within 7 days of completion of the audit.


Duration for Audits:

VET only (core Standards focused on at regulatory audits):

Desk Audit and report: 1 day. 

Site visit and report: 1 day.



Desk Audit: 2 days and 2 reports.

Site Visit: 2 days site visit and 2 reports (subsequent days to be negotiated).


Travel costs apply to locations outside of Melbourne region.

# A desk-top audit cannot fully apply to those Standards/Clauses that require sighting of the physical location and resources e.g. training facilities.


Bespoke audits are available, please contact to discuss your individual circumstances.

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Other Services Provided

Validation of training and assessment resources:

  • Validation of training and assessment resources to ensure they meet training package requirements, Rules of Evidence and Principles of Assessment; all in accordance with ASQA regulatory requirements.

  • Validation of assessment practices.

  • Validation of assessment policies and processes.


VET Logistics can lead validation exercises with your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and/or trainer/assessors.


Assessment tool development in collaboration with your SMEs.


Training: providing RTO management and staff with education in VET related requirements e.g. operational, validation, effective assessment development and practice. 


Validation of TAE assessment:

  • An independent validation of TAE assessment systems (including policies, processes, tools and outcomes).

© 2020 VET Logistics

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